Friday, December 4, 2009

Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Right

After reading my blog "The Golden Opportunists", friend and fellow blogger of "Ear Hustlin'" Joe Castro raised the question "What are the right reasons a woman should want to get with a guy if women are raised to seek status/power, just like men are raised to seek beauty (in varying forms)/nurturing in a woman?" Although I can't speak for all women, I'll do my best to answer this from my perspective and what I've learned from the life experiences of others.

Now, when your parents sat you down for one of those "birds and the bees" talks, one of the topics of discussion may have been how to know when that "right" someone comes along and the "right" reasons to start a relationship. Based on how your parents were raised, they will raise you to follow the same principals and values that they learned growing up or have you learn from your own experience- this could be good or a detriment, but at some point you've learned who was "right" or "wrong" for you based on your own expectations and standards, and those people have seen you in the same light based on theirs.

Secondly, my fiance stated to me one day that women lead more with their hearts while others lead with their heads. There are good and bad reasons if you look at it from a moral standpoint, yet others may seek men out for practical, economical, traditional/cultural, or for no reasons at all. Men are sought after to complete the image and bond of a "relationship", to fill a void, pass the time, procreate children with great genes, to share bills and spend money, friendships, to boost self esteem, to keep us out of trouble, to share thoughts and ideals with, enjoy their company, gain statuses and fortunes that otherwise would be stagnant (golden opportunists), to love and give ourselves completely to, the notion of Fate, to build strong families and foundations, curiousity, fullfill fantasies and sexual needs, pure sport and games, and boredom. I could go on and on about the myraid of reasons that are deemed good or bad, but what matters is THE reason, and if there is a man that is WILLING to go along with the reason WHY they are chosen. So Mr. Castro, men can also ask themselves this same question- are you looking for "Mrs. Right for the future", "Ms. Right Now for the Night", or "Ms Right for a little while"?

So post your thoughts below: Why do you choose who you want, or decide NOT to choose at all?
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